TERESA GIUDICE: Here We Go With The PR!… Tree’s “Prison Advisor”...
You knew THIS was coming! Wendy Feldman, who states that one of her “best friends,” Jill Zarin, introduced her to Tree Joodice… HUH???… is starting to put out the BS about Tree Joodice! Wendy is...
View ArticleTERESA GIUDICE: Who Is Tree’s “Prison Advisor”?… ConMan?… Wendy Purner...
Teresa Giudice has been taking the advice of 47-year-old former felon, Wendy Purner Feldman. Does Tree know who Wendy Purner Feldman REALLY is? After researching why Wendy Feldman is a former felon,...
View ArticleTeresaGiudice PrisonPrepper Speaks… BEFORE Taking Tree As Client,...
Been waiting for Tree’s prison prepper to start blabbing about how unfair Tree’s sentence was! From Radar… “Sadly, our justice system has yet to find a balance between punishment and rehabilitation,”...
View ArticlePrisonPrepper Now Distancing Herself From TeresaGiudice…
THEWendyFeldman is now distancing herself from TeresaGiudice… but, not before she drops more names. : FelonFeldman included LindsayLohan, JudgeSalas and her ENetwork show in her short twitter...
View ArticleFELONFeldman Cashing In On FELONTreeJoodice
Teresa Giudice isn’t too pleased about the deal for a tell-all book that could further damage her reputation. Her former crisis manager, Wendy Feldman, has turned on the Real Housewives of New...
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